Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Summertime Closure

as summer comes to an end, its gonna get more and more difficult for me to make more art, but ive managed to keep drawing for the most part of it. ive also been trying to draw in a lot of different styles, even if the character designs themselves have repeating elements.

color pencil/photoshop combo. i think ill name this character.... Slush!

        Mr freeze
(you can see the original sketch a few posts below, altough I modified the original sketch a lot)

Friday, August 10, 2012

SUMMER DUMP v. 2383938

ive had a lot of time to sketch during breaks at work :D
these are all drawings from my sketchbook.... and im not entirelly happy with the level of finish in some of them so i might go over the lineart  and color them in.
here u go

  Netective noir bot (priv0t ?)
                                        cowboy bebop characters- stripped off their anime roots

Mr freeze (ive been recreating a lot of batman characters lately). im really looking forward to bringing this one to a presentable finish
